About CumRocket
Staking & Burn
2.5% of every transaction gets redistributed to holders in proportion to their holdings. 2.5% of every transaction is burnt, meaning the supply is constantly becoming more scarce.
Utility For Holders
Using $CUMMIES as the tipping currency on our NSFW platforms encourages more transactions. This means holders will be able to reap the 5% tax rewards more often!
Active Team
Extremely interactive team that are transparent with holders. Our community will always have a say in the future of CumRocket.
Low Fee Network
CumRocket is on the Binance Smart Chain meaning there are virtually no gas fees and almost instantaneous swaps!
Tokenomics (Locked)
Roadmap (Locked)
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FAQ about CumRocket
What is the price of coin CumRocket?
What is the CUMMIES market cap?
What is the liquidity of CumRocket?
Where can I buy CumRocket?
What is CumRocket (CUMMIES) smart contract address?
How many token holders?
When was the project launched?
CumRocket Token Price
Holders data
Liquidity pools:
Token X/Twitter Feed
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