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NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu Price (USD):
About NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu
Shibarium is an EVM (ethereum virtual machine) compatible chain. That means any contract deployed on Ethereum can be deployed and run on Shibarium
There is going to be an Ethereum to Shibarium bridge. It’s a burn and redeem bridge. This means if you want to send 1 SHIB to Shibarium, it’s burned temporarily on Ethereum and credited to your address on Shibarium
Now your SHIB is on Shibarium and you have 1 less SHIB on Ethereum
Next up is obviously trading with your SHIB on Shibarium. So we need dexes there. It’s up to anyone to launch a dex (this is why I’m fucking with cageswap too). Once there is a dex people can create pools and trade just like on Uniswap on Ethereum
The key is you NEED to contribute liquidity on Shibarium as well. It does NOT share the same LP as Ethereum’s shib pool. So I’ve committed to created a decent size LP for us on Shibarium with my own funds as well
If you want to come back. You bridge back, burn shib on Shibarium and credit on Ethereum
There is going to be an Ethereum to Shibarium bridge. It’s a burn and redeem bridge. This means if you want to send 1 SHIB to Shibarium, it’s burned temporarily on Ethereum and credited to your address on Shibarium
Now your SHIB is on Shibarium and you have 1 less SHIB on Ethereum
Next up is obviously trading with your SHIB on Shibarium. So we need dexes there. It’s up to anyone to launch a dex (this is why I’m fucking with cageswap too). Once there is a dex people can create pools and trade just like on Uniswap on Ethereum
The key is you NEED to contribute liquidity on Shibarium as well. It does NOT share the same LP as Ethereum’s shib pool. So I’ve committed to created a decent size LP for us on Shibarium with my own funds as well
If you want to come back. You bridge back, burn shib on Shibarium and credit on Ethereum
Tokenomics (Locked)
Roadmap (Locked)
Phase 1 - Presale
Info not submitted
Phase 2 - Development
Info not submitted
Phase 3 - Launch
Info not submitted
FAQ about NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu
What is the price of coin NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu?
The current price of NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu coin is $0.00006333, daily change is 0%
What is the SHIB market cap?
Current market cap is $61803.683669999999999 with total supply 1000000000 tokens.
What is the liquidity of NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu?
Liquidity of token NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu is $61433.13 in pools.
Where can I buy NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu?
Token can be purchased on Uniswap dex.
What is NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu (SHIB) smart contract address?
SHIB smart contract address is 0xfcaf0e4498e78d65526a507360f755178b804ba8, it can be purchased on any Uniswap dex.
How many token holders?
SHIB have 1030 holders and diversity is Excellent.
When was the project launched?
SHIB launched on 2023-08-05.
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NicCageWaluigiElmo42069Inu Token Price
Buy/sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply1Bn
Market Cap$61K
Circulation Supply975M
Honeypot checkPassed
Holders data
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Liquidity pools:
Uniswap WETH
8.81Â WETHÂ ($61K)
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Launch Date:Aug 05 2023
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