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Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne
Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne Price (USD):
About Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne
Base Carbon Tonnes (BCT) is a reference token representing one tonne of carbon from the Verra Verified Carbon Unit (VCU) registry from 2008 or later, bridged by the Toucan Protocol. Verra is the dominant voluntary carbon credit issuer and each VCU minted in their registry represents a real emissions saving from a project, that has been measured and audited by independent third parties. The Toucan Bridge is the first to allow any user to bridge their VCUs into crypto, and because it is a fungible ERC 20 token it can directly be integrated into any DeFi application. BCT is a foundational building block to enable an open regenerative finance ecosystem.
Tokenomics (Locked)
Roadmap (Locked)
Phase 1 - Presale
Info not submitted
Phase 2 - Development
Info not submitted
Phase 3 - Launch
Info not submitted
FAQ about Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne
What is the price of coin Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne?
The current price of Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne coin is $0.3948, daily change is -14.03%
What is the BCT market cap?
Current market cap is $7183342.2811929989842 with total supply 18195065.540554680341698281 tokens.
What is the liquidity of Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne?
Liquidity of token Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne is $79301.63 in pools.
Where can I buy Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne?
Token can be purchased on SushiSwap dex.
What is Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne (BCT) smart contract address?
BCT smart contract address is 0x2f800db0fdb5223b3c3f354886d907a671414a7f, it can be purchased on any SushiSwap dex.
How many token holders?
BCT have 20000 holders and diversity is Excellent.
When was the project launched?
BCT launched on 2022-03-24.
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Toucan Protocol Base Carbon Tonne Token Price
Volume$4 595
Buy/sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply18M
Market Cap$7M
Circulation Supply18M
Honeypot checkPassed
Holders data
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Liquidity pools:
SushiSwap KLIMA
63KÂ KLIMAÂ ($50K)
SushiSwap USDC
14KÂ USDCÂ ($28K)
SushiSwap miMATIC
220.57Â miMATICÂ ($437)
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Launch Date:Mar 24 2022
Promoted Spot