just buy $1 worth of this coin
just buy $1 worth of this coin Price (USD):
This page has been created automatically using onchain data and contains unverified information. Please DYOR. To list this token to CoinGem, use the Submit Coin form.
FAQ about just buy $1 worth of this coin
What is the price of coin just buy $1 worth of this coin?
The current price of just buy $1 worth of this coin coin is $0.008907, daily change is 25130%
What is the $1 market cap?
Current market cap is $89070000 with total supply 10000000000 tokens.
What is the liquidity of just buy $1 worth of this coin?
Liquidity of token just buy $1 worth of this coin is $59014.54 in pools.
Where can I buy just buy $1 worth of this coin?
Token can be purchased on Raydium dex.
What is just buy $1 worth of this coin ($1) smart contract address?
$1 smart contract address is 9C5BC6j28y6uEsQqXeYozT43YgPd6PZeVW8rHm5VjHqj, it can be purchased on any Raydium dex.
How many token holders?
$1 have 0 holders and diversity is None.
When was the project launched?
$1 launched on 2025-01-02.
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If you are the project owner you can officially submit this token here:
just buy $1 worth of this coin Token Price
TXN1 001
Buy/sell fee0% / 0%
Total supply10Bn
Market Cap$89M
Circulation Supply10Bn
Honeypot checkPassed
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Liquidity pools:
Raydium SOL
152.02Â SOLÂ ($59K)
Promoted Spot
Coin | Price | Volume | TXNS | 5M | 1H | 6H | 24H | Liquidity | MCap | Age |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
$ 0.033423 | $ 61K | 781 | -0.49% | 1.21% | 4% | 1.39% | $ 118K | $ 342K | 2 weeks | |
$ 0.021228 | $ 1M | 3,301 | - | -0.02% | -0.31% | -7.19% | $ 236K | $ 1M | 6 months | |
$ 0.022661 | $ 350K | 1,945 | - | 1.64% | 12.45% | -21.13% | $ 249K | $ 2M | 1 month | |
$ 0.052979 | $ 192 | 3 | - | - | - | 14.61% | $ 2 502 | $ 2 979 | 4 days | |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5 days | |
$ 0.03 | $ 32K | 29 | - | - | - | 0.42% | $ 935K | $ 8M | 1 month | |
$ 0.04 | $ 2M | 5,064 | -0.6% | -1.39% | -5.05% | -11.4% | $ 2M | $ 36M | 1 month | |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 month | |
$ 1.02 | $ 176K | 1,158 | - | -0.44% | -0.86% | 0.63% | $ 654K | $ 183M | 1 month | |
$ 0.024971 | $ 687K | 2,280 | 0.72% | 2.23% | -12.33% | -10.41% | $ 577K | $ 4M | 1 month |